The index of ex-factory price of manufactured goods was 99.4 percent, a decrease of 3.1 percentage points from the previous year; 工业品出厂价格指数为99.4%,比上年下降了3.1个百分点;
Formation of retail price index aims to keep abreast of price fluctuation of retail commodities and provide the reference basis for the central government in working out economic policies. 其目的在于掌握商品价格的变动动态,为国家宏观调控提供参考依据。
General index of purchasing price of farm produce 农副产品收购价格总指数
Fixed base index and chain index of price 定基价格指数与环比价格指数
The index point of the price quotation for trading ofin the contract trading shall be the integral multiple of0.2 point. 该合约交易报价指数点须为0.2点的整数倍。
Index of average unit price paid 平均单位支付价格指数
On the approaches of appraising the index of the city land price 重庆市城市地价指数研究
The index series of inhabitant consumer price of Shandong province from Jan 1993 to Aug 2000 is studied, The Multiplication Model of dynamic series is selected, we analyze the price index series which season effect and long trend effect are done away from. 以1993年1月至2000年8月山东省居民消费物价指数序列为样本,采用动态序列分析理论中的乘法模型,对排除掉季节变动与长期趋势变动的物价指数序列进行了分析。
Correlation Analysis in View of DFA the Index of the Stock Price 基于DFA的股价指数自相关分析
The correlative concepts including of parts price, delivery time and quality belong to scheme evaluation are defined. The evaluating key index system base of part price, delivery time and quality is studied. 在给出方案经济性评价过程中的零件价格、时间以及质量评价策略的基础上,建立基于零件价格、时间以及质量的产品经济评价关键指标体系。
The comparison results show that the index of market price controllable ( MPC) and the Lerner index ( LI) based on market performance can reflect the essence of market power well and their assessment results are accurate and more immediate. 比较结果表明,基于市场绩效设计的市场价格可控指数(MarketPriceControllable,MPC)和勒纳指数(Lernerindex,LI)更能反映市场力本意,评估效果直观、准确;
This paper analyses the price tendency of real estate by studying the Shanghai City Index in CREIS ( China Real Estate Index System), finds reasons of price variety and predicts changing tendency of future price index by using exponential smoothing method. 对中房指数系统进行数量上的研究,找出近年来我国商品房价格走势变动的规律,并运用指数平滑法对未来价格指数进行预测。
Second, Drawing up price index is the major means of price accounting. 第二,编制价格指数是进行价格核算的重要手段。
By using the gravity model and economic index of flight price, the paper establishes spatial potent model of tourism flow based on the flight corridor and analyzes spatial behavior characteristics of tourism in Zhangjiajie city. 在重力模型的基础上,以航空票价为经济距离指标,建立了基于航空廊道的旅游客流空间潜力模型;分析了张家界市旅游者空间行为特征。
The system of standard land has found widely application in evaluating the price of basic land and standard land, and dynamic index of land price. 标准宗地体系在动态的基准地价评估、任意时点的宗地地价评估及动态地价指数评估等许多方面有着广泛的用途。
This article aims at analyzing Chinese macro-consumption, GNP ( Gross National Product) and INP ( index number of price) of retailing business. and try to establish an ECM ( error correcting model) with EG two-step standard. 本文旨在对中国宏观消费、国民生产总值和零售物价指数进行协整分析,并使用EG两步法建立一个中国宏观消费的误差修正模型(ECM)。
Author proceed mainly from the reality of the stock market of our country, analyzes the current situation that the index of the stock price deviates from the stock price, and states the severity of the deviating from the problem in the stock market of our country. 笔者主要从我国股市的实际出发,分析股价指数和股价背离的现状,说明我国股市中这一背离问题的严重性。
In risk management of stock index futures, the means of price's stabilization, the ways of avoid of market manipulation, the clearing member and market margin system and so on have been put in operation. 我国期货市场已建立起严密的交易、结算及风险控制制度,交易所拥有先进的交易系统、结算系统以及科学的管理制度、管理方式,这些都从制度与技术上保证股指期货的推出。
The Weber's index of price perception decreases as the basic price increases. 同时价格知觉的韦伯系数随基础价格的增大而降低。
Finally, the index system of land price with social and environmental factors is developed tentatively. 尝试构建土地价格影响因素体系,并将社会因素和环境因素纳入该体系中;
Thirdly this dissertation probes into the judgment and inspection of asset price bubble from the angle of investor emotion, certain index and the correlativity of price fluctuations, based on comparing and discussing the evolvement mechanism of asset price bubble. 随后,在前文对资产价格泡沫演化机制进行比较分析和论述的基础上,从市场交易者情绪、特定泡沫测度指标以及资产价格变动的自相关特征等方面探讨资产价格泡沫的判断与检验。
In the part of monopoly model, this paper attempts to build a monopoly model and work out the optimal level of quality and price structure under the condition of profit maximization in two-sided markets by introducing the quality index in form of price verse performance ratio. 在垄断模型部分,本文通过性价比形式引入质量指数,建立考虑平台质量的垄断模型,求解出平台利润最大化条件下最优质量水平和价格结构。
Stock index futures because of hedging, price discovery and asset allocation in international financial markets occupy a very important position. 股指期货由于具有套期保值、价格发现和资产配置的功能,在国际金融市场中占据着十分重要的地位。
The main focuses and innovations of this paper are summarized as follows: 1 、 Considering the fuzziness of the index of price elasticity in a bilevel supply chain system, the trade credit with fuzzy demands is studied. 本文主要研究工作及创新之处归纳如下:1、考虑到价格弹性指数的模糊性,研究了模糊环境下的两层供应链系统延期支付协调策略。
But also to the difference is that this price index is a function of the price index forecast indicators. 而且与往不同的是这种价格指标是具有预测功能的价格指数指标。
A great number of researches have found that stock index futures have the effect of price discovery, and stock index futures leads stock index. 大量研究发现在成熟的金融市场中,股指期货发挥着价格发现的作用,股指期货的价格领先于股票指数。
Review of relevant research papers in international literature and on the basis of clear concepts, analyze the factors affecting the real estate prices, introduced price index methodology and principles of hedonic price method and the hedonic price method applied some of the details. 论文在综述国内外相关研究文献和明确相关概念的基础上,分析了影响房地产价格的影响因素,介绍了价格指数编制方法和特征价格法的原理以及特征价格法应用的一些细节问题。
Exchange rate is a comprehensive index of price and has great influence on countries 'economic activities. 汇率是一个综合性的价格指标,对一国国内外的经济活动均有着重要的影响。
Stock index futures prices reflected expectations of price in cash market among investors. Also, stock index futures market conducts news information faster and has many advantages comparing to cash market. So the price of index futures reflects the real value of spot market. 首先,股指期货合约价格的形成主要来自投资者对未来现货价格的预期,同时股指期货市场相比现货市场具有很多优点,对新信息的反应速度更快,因此更能体现现货指数的真实价格。